After completed cloning of EBS-12.2.4, working on the post clone activities. When tried to change the APPS and SYSADMIN passwords using FNDCPASS utility faced the below issue.
This is the first time I'm facing this issue. I can't understand why this issue has occurred as I didn't face any issues during cloning. Below is the step by step process to overcome this issue.
Content of rmcorejvm.sql
connect / as sysdba
set echo on
set serveroutput on
select * from v$instance;
select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;
shutdown immediate
set echo off
spool off
set serveroutput on
set echo on
startup mount
alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory;
alter database open;
select owner, status, count(*) from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner, status;
create or replace java system
shutdown immediate
set echo off
spool off
Now mount the database, change the parameter _system_trig_enabled to false and take a bounce on the DB.
Once the DB is started, check the below value and proceed to change the apps/sysadmin passowrds.
Fantastic. God Bless you