Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Junk Characters in R12 Concurrent PDF Report

When submitting a Conc.Request in Purchase Order, the request gets completed normally but the output(PDF File) contains junk characters instead of English characters.

For Eg:

Reason for this issue is IX_LIBRARY setup is not done properly.

Proper setting of IX_PRINTING and IX_RENDERING variables will solve the issue.

To set these variables, navigate to $APPL_TOP and add these variables in custom environment file. Also edit the environment file as well with the details of this custom environment file

After these changes, take a bounce and re-submit the request and this time the output is proper.


Optimize connection buffer size issue in Winscp

Today when I tried to transfer an rdf file from my local system to Custom_Top of EBS Server, I faced the below issue

After googling a bit found a solution for this. The solution is documented below

Once the setting is saved, login and now transfer the file. This time the file should get transferred without any issue.

Ref : https://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_login_advanced


IAS Cache initialization failed

 Today I faced an Issue in R12.2 instance. The solution I followed to overcome the issue is very simple, but they are more than one solution...