Recently in our environment we've upgraded our OS from AIX 6.1 to AIX 7.1. OS up-gradation activity completed successfully. We tried to bring our DB and APPS services online and faced this new issue while starting the DB listener. Below is the issue and the solution for the same.
The problem is due to I/O Communication ports either not enabled or not installed.
To check whether IOCP is installed run the following command.
#lslpp -l bos.iocp.rte
As shown above IOCP is installed and available in AIX. To check whether IOCP is enabled or not, run the following UNIX command
# lsdev -Cc iocp
It showed "Defined", which means not enabled. The output should show "Available" instead of "Defined". To change the status from Defined to Available, use the UNIX Smitty commad as follows
#smitty iocp
Select Change / Show characteristics of I/O Completion Ports
Change configured state at system, restart to change form Defined to Available
Run lsdev command to confirm the same
Perform a system restart (Server Reboot) to make the changes permanent.
After the reboot, check listener status and connect to sqlplus as shown below.